Wouldn’t it be easier to run away and do your work in a little corner sometimes?
Is a happy environment your top priority?
Do you despise conflict?
Does the vibe people give off scream louder than their words sometimes?
Do you sometimes clam up when people are rude – or when they want an instant decision?
If the answer is yes, your BLUE flame is burning brightly. You’re a very sensory person who needs to get a feel for things in order to do them really well. There are three other Flame colours, Orange, Clear and Red. We all burn more brightly in one flame but we also can call upon our second flame and adopt a whole new communicative style. The trick is to quickly identify other people’s communication styles and talk on THEIR wavelength. We will teach you to do this naturally and with confidence.
There are many very expensive personality profile products in the market today that can quickly end up forgotten in a Manager’s drawer or locked away in a personal file some-where. Open Flames communications is technology that your team will put to IMMEDIATE use. It’s proven to reduce conflict in work teams, communities and families. Effective and respectful communication is the silver bullet of the 21st century!
Once your team members are flamed they feel great about themselves, and they’re far more understanding of those they come into contact with everywhere. We offer keynote presentations, online modules, short courses and one to one coaching as well but you really need the full course to get a proper feel for this fantastic technology.
This is an often hilarious six-hour course that will put your team in a safe environment, you will get a very real feel for how you operate and how others do too. You’ll all learn amazing communication techniques that will increase empathy, sensitivity and productivity. People who have done the course are reporting far more confident interactions, better family relationships and a better, happier, more stress-free life in general. It’s a very rewarding experience. Top level sports teams,, medium sized companies, government departments, local authorities, families, communities and teams are getting FLAMED all over New Zealand and Australia. – now it’s your turn.
Let’s have coffee and I’ll give you a feeling for this life-changing technology.